Happy New 2015 and Last Year’s Highlights
January 5, 2015
Happy New 2015, everyone!
Last year was great for MockupScreens for one simple reason: substantial work was done on MockupScreens version 5. Having said that, we need to hurry – with version 4.89 in the making, we are running out of numbers.
Apart from that, what was done in 2014 can be summarized like:
- 51 improvement, some of them quite big.
- 74 bug fixes, which is less that in 2013. This means less bugs, which is a good thing.
Most important improvements, ie. what was done that you requested the most, were:
- New online help – Replacement for offline help/pdf, which were embarrassingly dated.
- Icon set – 479 Font Awesome icons included, you can do wonders with them.
- Buttons with icons – You requested this quite a lot.
- Export to DOCX format – Native format for Microsoft Word.
- Text formatting in comments – Annotations are crucial for mockups. By formatting them properly, you can communicate more clearly.
- New widget: Progress Bar – Editable caption and progress, different look for each skin, marquee option.
- Search/Replace – It works over all your screens, in both widgets and comments. This works phenomenally.
- New widget: Dialog – Editable caption and titlebar buttons, native (different) look for all skins.
- Editor over most of the screen: Widgets toolbar, screen tree, and property panel can be hidden or revealed by pressing Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3 respectively (on Mac, it’s Cmd key instead of Ctrl, of course).
- Export to single-file HTML – Easy way to export your mockups.
- Printing in 300 DPI – Crisp screenshots in printouts and in PDF export. Much, much better than before.
Other improvements, some big and some small, in no particular order:
- Editing multiple widgets is now done via property panel (instead of separate dialog).
- Tab widget has larger initial size.
- Frame widget has larger initial size.
- Tree widget has larger initial size.
- Icon chooser remembers selected icon set and category.
- Badges replace Marks
- Color themes for Badges
- Image gallery removed (icons does that job now)
- Faster program startup
- Scrolling in editor is more smooth than before
- Option to reopen last project on startup or not
- Locking widgets in place from Geometry panel
- Optional captions for images
- For forms, “Alternate Name” is empty by default
- For Save dialog, the native Win or Mac dialog is used
- Tabs are bigger by default.
- Temporary border for easier placement of widgets.
- In labeled widgets, labels now “grow” to the left when text grows.
- Snapshots now use the same grid options as seen on the canvas.
- Export to HTML now shows confirmation message when overwriting existing folder.
- When group of widgets is dragged by mouse, their alignment regards the whole group and not individual widgets.
- Radio buttons can be switched between horizontal and vertical layout.
- Text wrapping for Radio buttons’ labels.
- Radio buttons’ labels can be positioned either on the left or on the right of the radios.
- Labels of compound ie. “Labeled” widgets can be positioned either on the left or above.
- Tab captions have wider margins now.
- Option for Slideshow to toggle Window titles on or off (accessible via Options panel).
- Option to turn off navigating screens in Slideshow via left/right mouse-click
- All options from Advanced tab for Master are now either inherited or editable
- When group is selected, new screen is placed in that group
- Much better performance when typing text in complex screens.
- Moderately better performance when selecting widgets on complex screens.
- Registered users can change license key from new “Renew license” window, instead of going to “Buy the full version” window which was confusing.
- New images are inserted with their original size and aspect ratio.
- Images have new option “Restore original size” on “Geometry” panel.
- When adding a new widget, mouse pointer positions at the widget’s right-bottom corner, which is much more practical for resizing etc.
- Window background color can be changed in Mac OSX skin.
- Window background color can be changed in Safari skin.
- Custom colors persist between sessions.
- When root group is selected, menu item Drawing/Rename group is disabled.
- Most widgets now have 100pix default width.
- Added splash screen on startup, which shows MockupScreens version and whether it’s registered or not.
- Better rendering of shadows etc when canvas is zoomed-in.
- Right-click shortcut menus were reorganized and some items renamed.
- Right-aligned text now grows to the left, when the wrapping is off.
Bug fixes were many, but less than in 2013. Which is great.
Here is the full list, for those of you considering whether to stick to your current version (please don’t – less headaches for everyone):
- In settings,”Display Icons and Badges” is now “Display Badges” and affects Badges only.
- Deselecting a widget (from multiple selection) by clicking while holding down the Ctrl/Cmd key.
- Incorrect font size during widget creation (before a widget was actually placed on canvas).
- Form’s web toolbar was incorrect in Mac OSX skin.
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts for font formatting: bold (Ctrl/Cmd+B), italic (Ctrl/Cmd+I), underline (Ctrl/Cmd+U).
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts for text alignment: left (Ctrl/Cmd+L), right (Ctrl/Cmd+R), center (Ctrl/Cmd+E).
- When annotated widget was clicked, its number indicator was displayed behind the selection indicator.
- In editor, when changing active screens by PageUp / PageDown, Screen tree was not updated accordingly.
- When a group is selected and has focus: Comments panel and Property panel are disabled.
- Dropdown caption alignment wasn’t calculated correctly (caption text was overlapping with the dropdown arrow).
- Incorrect behavior when adding widgets and changing the widget to add.
- Comments get blank after replace command (only in certain situations).
- Selected widget can be deleted by Backspace key (again).
- Unintentional wrapping in Text widget
- Issues with Transform feature
- Mouse icon displayed for line resize is not correct
- Find is not highlighting the matching string within widget/comments.
- Missing info box during widget resize.
- Irregular tab widget background color with MacOS and Safari skin
- Saving a snapshot to file didn’t give an overwrite confirmation
- Image in grouped widgets was sometimes lost when pasting, saving and otherwise serialising the group
- Single-file HTML export now uses the image format selected in HTML export settings
- Better indenting of word-wrapped lines in Comment bubbles
- Manual line breaks in comments are now preserved in HTML export
- Mac: File overwrite confirmation was sometimes shown twice
- Unlinking from Master wasn’t copying Form attributes properly.
- Scrollbars were not displayed immidiately for some widgets when changed.
- Tab key wasn’t handled properly in labeled widest’ properties.
- Mac: Gallery and custom image buttons on Image properties looked weird.
- Several widgets had “lost” their borders with 4.82 depending on skins, which is corrected now.
- “Revert to Saved” command was showing incorrect confirmation message.
- Find was distorting text on screen in certain situations.
- Searching for special characters could produce unexpected results.
- Resizing or moving widgets weren’t always correctly accounted for when using Undo or Revert to Saved commands later.
- On Mac, project wasn’t opening in browser automatically, after exporting to HTML.
- Replace wasn’t always working for compound widgets (Table, Tree, labeled widgets).
- On some circumstances, replacing text could break comment numbering.
- Adding new subgroup on Masters tree now works correctly
- Deselecting a row in a Table was terribly non-intuitive
- Undo was not working properly after transforming a widget to another
- Copying screens to clipboard was not preserving images (ie. when copying a screen from one project to another)
- Widgets can’t get positioned outside of canvas
- Line widget orientation was changing when changing geometry via “Change Multiple Widgets” dialog
- Transform tool was not carrying the text from Link to Text/Radio widgets
- Select all was not working from menu after just placing a widget
- Mac: Copy/paste text between MockupScreens and other programs didn’t work
- Splash page is displayed until MockupScreens has fully initalized itself
- Table widget sometimes haven’t updated the property field after editing
- HTML export had problems with links because of Tab widget incorrectly interpreting them
- Background color for dialogs no longer incorrectly gets into the corners.
- Occasionally dropdowns (e.g. skin chooser) stopped working temporarily.
- On Mac, “Show tips” popup was not displayed when launching.
- Captionless Dialogs had fain “ghost” lines in BW and MSIE skins
- Pasting an image from other applications now works correctly for: jpeg, gif, bmp, png, tiff, ico.
- Application doesn’t hang any more when user closes the Edit Group Name window.
- User wasn’t able to select “Master Screens” node or any group under it.
- Dropdown caption is now properly aligned in property panel.
- User couldn’t select general (unnumbered) comment.
- Property panel was empty if initialy loaded project has a widget group as a selection.
- There were instances when user wasn’t able to select a Mark widget.
- Custom background color produced visible borders for some widgets.
- “Tip of the Day” window sometimes got behind the main window when user switched between MockupScreens and other applications.