New Dialog Widget: MockupScreens 4.80
January 28, 2014

Many MockupScreens users have requested a Dialog as a separate widget.

And here it is:

Dialog widget in MockupScreens 4.80

What is of great importance for MockupScreens team, we have migrated to much newer versions of Python and wxPython. Now only several (although far from trivial to solve) prerequisites are left to finally begin work on MockupScreens version 5!

You can download MockupScreens 4.80 from the main website. Existing users are eligible for free upgrade within 12 months of original purchase, just use your existing license key.

Below is the complete list of what’s included in MockupScreens 4.80. Enjoy!

– Igor



  • Dialog – new widget, in all skins.


  • Window background color can be changed in Mac OSX skin.
  • Window background color can be changed in Safari skin.
  • Custom colors persist between sessions.
  • When root group is selected, menu item Drawing/Rename group is disabled.
  • Most widgets now have 100pix default width.
  • Added splash screen on startup, which shows MockupScreens version and whether it’s registered or not.
  • Better rendering of shadows etc when canvas is zoomed-in.
  • Right-click shortcut menus were reorganized and some items renamed.
  • Right-aligned text now grows to the left, when the wrapping is off.


  • Pasting an image from other applications now works correctly for: jpeg, gif, bmp, png, tiff, ico.
  • Application doesn’t hang any more when user closes the Edit Group Name window.
  • User wasn’t able to select “Master Screens” node or any group under it.
  • Dropdown caption is now properly aligned in property panel.
  • User couldn’t select general (unnumbered) comment.
  • Property panel was empty if initialy loaded project has a widget group as a selection.
  • There were instances when user wasn’t able to select a Mark widget.
  • Custom background color produced visible borders for some widgets.
  • “Tip of the Day” window sometimes got behind the main window when user switched between MockupScreens and other applications.


  • Migrated to much newer versions of Python and wxPython.