MockupScreens Got Fast!
November 21, 2009

Many users of version 4.22 has complained about a kind of slow-down that occurs after using MockupScreens for some time. Problem is found and fixed, and finally version 4.23 is available for download from the website.

Now, with version 4.22 improving rendering speed by more than 200% and with version 4.23 resolving the slow-down issue, MockupScreens is fastest ever.

What that means for you is much better user experience. Just try it :-)

And what that means for me is that I finally can go on with improving the product. There is not many bugs people are reporting but they are still here waiting to be fixed. Mac version is already running on Mac, but needs some serious “Mac-isation” in order to provide true Mac look & feel. And “Pro” version is just around a corner too, master screens are ready and work fabulously, one thing that’s still under development is the web part – the ability to share and discuss the screens with your users.

And just to avoid being all too serious, I just got back from ESWC 2009 in Berlin, drinking beer there with interesting people and discussing the future of MockupScreens with some old friends. Here is the photo of one such conversation, taking place at Madame Tussauds’ vax figures museum.

Albert and Igor discussing MockupScreens

Albert and Igor discussing MockupScreens