Exports: Generate a Specification

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November 20, 2014 Tutorials No Comments

Once you have created your mockups, you want to share them and discuss them. You can do that by exporting your project into a MS Word document, for example.

Create and Annotate Screens *

Here we have four screens from the “Employee Database” example. Three screens belong to the same scenario (“Check employee”):

  • Login
  • Find employee
  • Employee details


The fourth screen is a homepage for the “Employee Database” website:

  • Employee DB Homepage


Below are the screens. Click on any of them to see a screen in full size.

Login screen:

Login Screen as specification

Find Employee screen:

Find Employee screen as specification

Employee Details screen:

Employee Details mockup as specification

Employee Website web-page:

Employee Website mockup as specification

Note that each screen has a comment that’s marked as a “General” comment; this tells MockupScreens that this comment is not related to a particular widget but to the whole screen.

Export Project to PDF *

We have all we need to generate a specification. Let’s create a PDF:

  1. Choose Export submenu from the “File” main menu.
  2. Choose “Export to PDF”.
  3. Set export options like shown here:

PDF export options


Finally, save the generated PDF file. It opens automatically.

Generated PDF *

We have created PDF that has 6 pages all together (you can download it here).

  • Cover page: date, title, etc.
  • Table of Contents.
  • One page (or more if single page is not enough for all the annotations) for each screen. It consists of:
    • Screen name for a heading.
    • General comments (if any) below.
    • Screenshot itself.
    • Comments, displayed as a bullets below the screen.


Here are all the pages. Click on each to see it in full size.

Optional cover page for printout and exports

Optional table of content for printouts and exports

Export example - page 1

Example specification - page 2

Example specification - page 3

Example specification - page 4